Patient Portal
Mind Matters, P.C. patients are provided custom access to our Patient Portal at the time of their first appointment. This online tool is used by our patients to update demographic and insurance information, view upcoming scheduled appointments, receive and complete measures, homework and tasks assigned in accordance with their treatment plan, and communicate directly and securely with our team of clinicians and staff.
Mind Matters, P.C. generates a unique Username & Validation Code for each patient at the time of their first appointment. Please note, Validation Codes will expire after 72 hours if activation does not occur. Mind Matters, P.C. will need to generate a new Validation Code for your account in this case.
You will receive an email from Mind Matters, P.C. detailing your Patient Portal account activation instructions, with a "click to setup account" link.
The link will direct you to your personal Patient Portal account setup page. Please enter and confirm your new password at this time.
*For security purposes, your password must be at least 6 characters in length, include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 number or non-alphabetical character.
After choosing your password, you will be prompted to choose three security questions, which are used to reset your password if necessary.
In order to begin editing demographic information, you will need to click on "Go to your account." Any information sent to you by Mind Matters, P.C. will populate in the fields shown. At this time, you should verify and add any additional demographic information. When finished, click "Submit", and another confirmation page will appear. Final account verification is still required before additional information is available within your Patient Portal.
You will need to enter your personal validation code provided by the Front Desk staff at this time.
Once your account has been validated, you will have full access to view messages, upcoming appointments, and tasks assigned by your clinician.
The setup account page will appear after clicking the below URL, or by manually entering the below URL in your web browser:
Follow the instructions below:
Enter your last name in the LAST NAME field (*NOT case sensitive)
Enter Validation Code in the VALIDATION CODE field.
Enter the words displayed in the reCaptcha Security Box.
*For the visually impaired, click the speaker icon to the right of the box to hear the display verbally.
Click the SETUP ACCOUNT button.
The account setup box will appear.
Enter a username of your choice in the USERNAME field.
Enter an optional email address in EMAIL field.
At the bottom of the account setup box, under PASSWORD SETUP, enter and confirm your password.
*For security purposes, your password must be at least 6 characters in length, include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 number or non-alphabetical character
After choosing your password, you will be prompted to choose three security questions, which are used to reset your password if necessary.
*If Mind Matters, P.C. does not have an email address on file for you, you are given an opportunity at this time to provide an email address where you will receive an email confirming your account setup in complete.
You now have the following two choices:
A. If you decide to enter an email address, click on the SEND RECEIPT TO ABOVE EMAIL BUTTON at this time.
B. If you decide not to enter an email address, click on the PROCEED WITHOUT RECEIPT button at this time.
*If you provided an email address on this screen, it will NOT be saved and put on file at Mind Matters, P.C. The email address will be used solely to send and receipt your account confirmation email.